EV steam lance for EV Dry Steam Cleaner

EV steam lance for EV Dry Steam Cleaner

99,00 AED

The Versatile Tool for Professional Cleaning Results. You can use different colours for different areas such as the WC or kitchen

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Steam lance grey, black or blue for EV dry steam cleaner

The EV steam lance is made of robust and durable plastic. Available in black, grey or blue color. The Versatile Tool for Professional Cleaning Results.

Suitable for all EV models: EV Iris, EV, EV Atlantis, EV Poseidon and EV Atlas


The specially designed fiberglass attachments are tailored to meet the needs of every household and business.

We have created brushes for every surface – from one with gentle horsehair that preserves easily scratched furniture to one made of steel that can remove the most stubborn deposits of dirt.

Thanks to the two extension pipes, there are no unreachable spots around the house, and the universal brush is specially made for sanitizing large areas in short amount of time.


EV Dry Steam Cleaner – The future of cleaning and disinfection

We hereby challenge you to use the natural power of nature. Clean with dry steam and from now on disinfect only with water instead of chemicals.

• 100% disinfection and hygiene
• Water is the most valuable commodity
• Environmentally friendly cleaning with dry steam and disinfection
• Save water, disinfectants, time and money with the EV Dry Steam Cleaner
• Cleaning with dry steam protects against groundwater pollution

Banishing chemical cleaning agents from your own premises and instead cleaning with dry steam or just water is a special achievement that every company should definitely advertise. For this reason, we have designed suitable stickers for our customers that can be visibly attached to entrance doors or other visible places. These stickers can be requested from us free of charge.

The production of the EV cleaning systems is based in one of the largest steam clean- er factories in Europe, with more than 40 years of experience in Albairate, Milano, Italy.

All products of E V International Ltd. are cre- ated to provide exceptional results. They are crafted by hand and undergo strict quality control. The production is entrusted to expe- rienced personnel that works with high qual- ity and reliable materials to achieve the best possible results. Thanks to all this, the prod- ucts the company offers are environmental- ly friendly, technologically advanced, and with a long-term warranty.

Did you know?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) distinguish dry steam as the most dependable and widely used method for sterilization, due to its high temperature and strong pressure.

EVolve to the next level of cleaning with EV ATLANTIS and

The innovative EV eco cleaning systems are the result of longtime experience and extensive research. The technology allows the cleaning and sanitizing of all kinds of surfaces, using only tap water. It transforms it into pure high-quality dry steam, that removes con- taminants and stubborn dirt fast, without physical effort, scrubbing and damaging the surfaces.

The penetrates deep into the cracks where cleaning chemicals cannot reach, kills micro-organisms and bacteria by thermal shock, and leaves every surface dry in seconds. That all is made possible thanks to the combination of low moisture, high pressure and high temperature.

The 150 °C – 180 °C (305 °F – 356 °F) dry steam guarantees easy and trouble-free:

• degreasing;
• disinfection;
• bacteria eradication; • odor neutralization.

Cleaning with EV is a completely natural and environmentally friendly method of deep cleaning. Extremely suitable for use around newborns, people with allergies, and health problems. It removes stubborn dirt in seconds, effortlessly, leaving com- pletely clean and sanitized surfaces.

The advantages of our products are so unique and the range of applications so varied that it would be impossible for us to pack it all into a short reel, which is typical for today. Therefore, if you have 25 minutes of time, we recommend that you take a look at this video.

You will get an insight into the future of cleaning, where you can clean EVERYTHING with just water or dry steam. It is also faster, more thorough and, in the long term, much more economical than with conventional cleaning products. Just let yourself be surprised!

If you would like to purchase this dry steam cleaner or need further information about cleaning with dry steam, please contact our specialist advisor.

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