حقيبة سفر لأجهزة EV والملحقات
حقيبة سفر لأجهزة EV والملحقات
390,00 AED
يمكن تخزين ونقل منظف البخار الجاف من EV وملحقاته في هذه الحقيبة عالية الجودة. إنها مناسبة لنماذج EV IRIS وEV ATLANTIS وEV POSEIDON.
حقيبة سفر لأجهزة EV والملحقات
يمكن تخزين ونقل منظف البخار الجاف من EV وملحقاته في هذه الحقيبة عالية الجودة ذات اللون الرمادي. إنها مناسبة لنماذج EV IRIS وEV ATLANTIS وEV POSEIDON.
The advantages of our products are so unique and the range of applications so varied that it would be impossible for us to pack it all into a short reel, which is typical for today. Therefore, if you have 25 minutes of time, we recommend that you take a look at this video.
You will get an insight into the future of cleaning, where you can clean EVERYTHING with just water or dry steam. It is also faster, more thorough and, in the long term, much more economical than with conventional cleaning products. Just let yourself be surprised!
If you would like to purchase this dry steam cleaner or need further information about cleaning with dry steam, please contact our specialist advisor.